What a beautiful Spring day! I think Spring has finally arrived after the long, snowy Winter we had. I started seeing the robins in our yard last week, and this little bird has been a freque

nt visitor to our deck railing. What a joy to hear the birds singing their little songs in the morning and throughout the day. As I sit by the patio doors in the kitchen, I hear the robins singing their little 'scolding' tunes, and this little finch has a softer, higher-pitched song that he likes to sing. I took this photo of the little finch on our deck railing the other morning. It looks a little off-focus because I shot the picture while looking through the screen in the window, for I knew if I opened the door, he would surely fly away. The geese are also enjoying the weather today, as they are swimming and splashing in the river. I suppose one of these days they'll be out there with their little gosslings, teaching them how to swim.
But I'm still watching for the herons.....
For the past two years that we've lived here, we were blessed with several pair of blue herons that lived by the river. They have a noisy squawk that is different from the geese. My day wasn't complete last year without seeing at least one of them in the river during the day. They stand tall in the water with their stilt-like legs. And slowly, one step at a time they walk, always watching the water for a fish. It's fun to see them actually catch them and watch the fish flopping around in its long beak. I thought I heard one this afternoon, but I didn't see any. But one of these days they're bound to return.

When I opened the door to go outside today,
I was shocked to find this little guy right outside
the door. I guess he is happy Spring is here too,
and is enjoying the sunshine along
with everybody else.