"Creativity can be
as letting go
of certainties."
- Gail Sheehy
For the past month, I've been in the 'jewelry-making mode.' I spent a lot of time working on a neckpiece for "Iron Wire Jewelry." I am pleased with how it turned out, and had it professionally photographed several weeks ago.

I think they're going to end up being a necklace and earrings. My friend, Kim Nugent, has been coming over each Friday for 'artist play dates.' I showed her how to make jewelry like the sandwich earrings I have posted. She is now 'hooked,' so I ordered her some metal and I also have a bench pin set up for her on the other side of my workbench. We've got dueling saws going while we're busy chatting away. It's really nice to have someone to create art with. She's coming over again next Friday.