I am fortunate to live where there is so much beauty in nature. Gazing out at the tranquil river in our backyard has such a calming and peaceful effect on me. I like to sit quietly and listen to the different birds singing their joyful songs, and watch for them as they fly about, looking for food. I get so excited when I spy a bird that's different from the usual varities that I'm used to seeing, and usually have a bird guide handy so I can try to identify them.
While taking my little puggies out for their 'potty' last Thursday, I noticed a robin's nest in the pine tree in our front yard. The poor mother robin flitted out from the nest and flew to a nearby tree, where she kept a close watch on me and kept singing a loud 'scolding' song. I carefully moved the branches of the pine tree to discover her nest. I was careful not to touch anything close to the nest, but I did look in to discover 1 bright blue egg in it. It's fun to watch the progress in the nest now. On Friday I found that there were 2 eggs in it, and Saturday the nest was holding 3 beautiful blue eggs. Yesterday there was no change, and I haven't checked yet today.
A Little Finch on our Deck
We've also had some cute little raspberry-colored finches that have been landing on the railing of our deck, so yesterday I put up 2 finch feeders for them. It didn't take long at all before those pretty little birds found the feeders. There were 2 of the yellow finches that showed up, but the majority of the time, you'll find at least 4 of the little reddish ones there. These are a few photos of the little finches taken about an hour after the feeders were put up.