Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Cleanup Continues....

Kim arrived here promptly at 10:00 a.m. yesterday, to continue the task of organizing my studio. I actually wasn't sure she would come back again after being up to her eyeballs in clutter last Friday! It really is starting to take shape. Kim is soooo organized! While she's in one area organizing my tools, I'm off in another area unearthing stuff I forgot I even had. Geez, I can't believe how much I've accumulated! We cleaned out a portion of the studio so we would, (to quote Kim), "have a virgin area to work in." I had to chuckle at that one, thinking to myself I don't think there's anything virgin down here! We carried boxes and boxes of 'stuff' and put them in a clean area by the stairway. So now when I need to do my wash, I've got to straddle through a narrow path to get to the laundryroom. And it's even more difficult to get to the studio area, because both ways to get to it are barracaded by mounds of 'who knows what'. Kim suggested that I take a picture of the progress we made on Friday before tackling the mess again, so I did take a few shots. I'd post them today, but Kim organized the table where I had put the camera, so now I can't find it!!!

1 comment:

kecia deveney said...

hi jill! it was so fun to meet you too. thanks for coming by my blog. now you have to update yours!