"But the freedom that they fought for,
and the country grand they wrought for,
Is their monument to-day,
and for aye."
~Thomas Dunn English
I was alone on Memorial Day and didn't know what to do, so I went to the Memorial Day celebration in the small village where I live. Everyone in the community turns out for it. One woman there referred to the day as an annual homecoming because even people who have moved away always come back 'home' for the celebration. They have a nice little parade, a program at the cemetery just outside of town, and then have a big brat fry in the community hall. What I found so amazing was that as the end of the parade passed by, everyone got up and walked behind it, following it to the cemetery where the program would take place. So by the time the end of the parade got to where I was sitting, the road behind it was absolutely full of people following it. I think you had to be there to see it for yourself!
Since this is a small farming community, there were many vintage tractors in the parade...
Here is the end of the parade as it is approaching me. See all the people behind the horses?...